Get Healthy & Change
Your Life with Tony Little!
Workout & Shape-Up Library - Take 10 inches off in
30 days. Guaranteed or your money refunded. It's a
one-on-one session with America's Personal Trainer, Tony
Diet & Recipe Book - Easy to follow recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition to mouth watering recipes the book includes Fitness Tips and Tony's Top Ten Tips.
The Gazelle - The most fun you will have exercising!
The World Famous Gazelle by Tony Little.
Rock 'n Roll Stepper
- A fun, new way to exercise. The Rock 'n Roll
Stepper provides balance training, muscle toning and
core strength conditioning with it's unique side-to-side
rocking motion. It provides quicker results with
virtually no impact and is very effective working the
hips, thighs and buttocks.
Cheeks™ Exercise Sandals - Tony's new Cheeks™ Exercise Sandals have unique design to firm your legs and buttocks with every step. 
One-on-One - Give Tony Little 28 days to transform your body. His book, One-On-One with Tony Little, guides you step by step. 
Fitness Apparel - Want to look great while working out? Tony Little has a wide variety of Fitness Apparel. Check out the full selection of workout gear. 
Extreme Energy Drink - Wanna talk about energy? Then try Tony Little's HyperActive™ Extreme Energy Drink . Get high energy for less than $.85 per drink.
Clearance Section -
Drastically reduced items for quick sale from Tony
Little. Visit the clearance section - apparel, footwear
and other items now available |