
'USSR. Coat of Arms' T-Shirt |

'Hammer & Sickle' T-Shirt |

'Have You Visited McDonald's in Moscow?' |

'AKS-47, the Perfect Weapon' |

'Moscow Metro/Subway' T-Shirt |

'AK-103, the Victory Weapon' |

'From Russia with Love' |

'Manage Skillfully' |

'MIG-29, Russia' |

'Don't be Naughty' |

'Russia, Coat of Arms' |

'1 Ruble. This is Our Profit' |



'Views of Moscow' |

'Silver Coat of Arms' |


'Stolichnaya, the Russian Vodka' |

'Stolichnaya Vodka, Taste of the Victory' |

'T-34, Tank of the Victory' |


'Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin shall forever live'

'Glory to Warrior-the-Winner' |

'Chattering is Helping the Enemy' |

'Glory to the Great Stalin - the Architect of
Communism' |

'For Peoples' Happiness' |

'We Will Come to Abundance' |


'Beloved Stalin - Peoples' Happiness' |

'FREE Mikhail Khodorkovsky!' |

'Zhostovo Style' |

'Gzhel Style' |



'Great Stalin - Leading Light of Communism'

'Joseph Stalin' |

'SU-27, Russia' |

'Soviet Award to Harley-Davidson' |

'Communist Cocaine' |

'Che Guevara Lives' |

'Stalin is Our Guide' |



'Che Guevara Star' |

'USSR' T-Shirt |

'Aeroflot' T-Shirt |

'I Am Working for KGB' T-Shirt |

'St. Basil's Cathedral' T-Shirt |

'CCCP. Coat of Arms' T-Shirt |

'First Man in Space!' |

'Have You Enrolled as a Volunteer?' T-Shirt

'KGB, USSR' T-Shirt |