Senior Track
Practical Everyday Tips

I received
these great tips in an email - Author Unknown
I had a neighbor who had
bought a new pickup. I got up very early one Sunday morning and
saw that someone had sprayed red painted all around the sides of
this beige truck (for some unknown reason) I went over, woke him
up, and told him the bad news. He was very upset and was trying
to figure out what to do - probably nothing until Monday
morning, since nothing was open. Another neighbor came out and
told him to get his WD-40 and clean it off. It removed the
unwanted paint beautifully and did not harm his paint job that
was on the truck. I'm impressed!
Water displacement
#40: The product began from a search for a rust preventative
solvent and degreaser to protect missile parts. WD-40 was
created in 1953 by three technicians at the San Diego Rocket
Chemical Company. Its name comes from the project that was to
find a "water displacement" compound. They were successful with
the fortieth formulation, thus WD-40. The Corvair Company bought
it in bulk to protect their atlas missile parts.
Ken East (one of the
original founders) says there is nothing in WD-40 that would
hurt you.
When you read the "shower
door" part, try it. It's the first thing that has ever cleaned
that spotty shower door. If yours is plastic, it works just as
well as glass.
It's a miracle!
Then try it on your stovetop... Voila! It's now shinier
than it's ever been. You'll be amazed
Protects silver from tarnishing
Removes road tar and grime from cars
Cleans and lubricates guitar strings
Give floors that just-waxed sheen without making it slippery
Keeps flies off cows
Restores and cleans
Removes lipstick stains
Loosens those stubborn zippers
Untangles jewelry chains
Removes stains from stainless steel sinks
Removes dirt and grime
from the barbecue grill
Keeps ceramic/terra
cotta garden pots from oxidizing
Removes tomato stains from clothing
Keeps glass shower doors free of water spots
Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors
Will keep scissors working smoothly
Lubricates noisy door hinges on vehicles and doors in home
Give children's play gym slide a shine for a super fast
Lubricates gear shift and mower deck lever for ease of
handling on riding mowers
Rids kids rocking
chairs and swings of squeaky noises
Lubricates tracks in sticking home windows and makes them
easier to open
Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open and close
Restores and cleans padded leather dashboards in vehicles,
as well as vinyl bumpers
Restores and cleans roof racks on vehicles
Lubricates and stops
squeaks in electric fans.
Lubricates wheel
sprockets on tricycles, wagons, and bicycles for easy
Lubricates fan belts
on washers and dryers and keeps them running smoothly.
Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades, and other
Removes splattered grease on stove
Keeps bathroom mirror from fogging
Lubricates prosthetic limbs
Keeps pigeons off the balcony (they hate the smell)
Removes all traces of duct tape
Folks even spray it on
their arms, hands and knees to relieve arthritis pain.
Florida's favorite use
is: "cleans and removes love bugs from grills and bumpers."
The favorite use in
the state of New York--WD-40 protects the Statue of Liberty
from the elements.
WD-40 attracts fish.
Spray a LITTLE on live bait or lures and you will be
catching the big one in no time. Also, it's a lot cheaper
than the chemical attractants that are made for just that
purpose. Keep in mind though, using some chemical laced
baits or lures for fishing are not allowed in
Use it for fire ant
bites. It takes the sting away immediately and stops the
WD-40 is great for
removing crayon from walls. Spray on the mark and wipe with
a clean rag.
Also, if you've
discovered that your teenage daughter has washed and dried a
tube of lipstick with a load of laundry, saturate the
lipstick spots with WD-40 and re-wash. Presto! Lipstick is
If you sprayed WD-40
on the distributor cap, it would displace the moisture and
allow the car to start.
It removes black scuff
marks from the kitchen floor! Use WD-40 for that nasty tar
and scuff marks on flooring. It doesn't seem to harm the
finish and you won't have to scrub nearly as hard to get
them off. Just remember to open some windows if you have a
lot of marks.
Bug guts will eat away
the finish on your car if not removed quickly! Use WD-40!
P. S. The basic
ingredient is FISH OIL

When you
go to buy bread in the grocery store, have you ever wondered which is
the freshest, so you "squeeze" for freshness or softness? Did you know
that bread is delivered fresh to the stores five days a week? Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Each day has a different color
twist tie. They are: Monday
Tuesday =
Thursday =
Friday =
White and
Saturday =
So if today was Thursday, you would want red twist tie; not white which
is Fridays (almost a week old)! The colors go alphabetically by color
Monday through Saturday. Very easy to remember. I thought this was
interesting.. I looked in the grocery store and the bread wrappers DO
have different twist
ties, and even the ones with the plastic clips have different colors.
You learn something new everyday! Enjoy fresh bread when you buy bread
with the right color on the day you are shopping. |

mosquitoes driving you nuts? Try this!
Put some water in a white
dinner plate and add just a couple of drops of Lemon Fresh Joy
dishwashing soap. Set the dish on a porch or patio. Not sure what attracts
them, the lemon smell, the white color, or what, but mosquitoes flock to
it, and drop dead, or fall into the water, or on the floor within about 10
ft. Works just super! |

Money and Time Saving Tip!!
Write or
type up a list of your bills and the due dates. Makes copies each month
and highlight as you pay them. I don't know about you but I, occasionally,
don't receive my bills and I have probably saved myself a bundle in late
fees because I go ahead and send a payment with a note and my account
number. Plus you don't have to rack your brain trying to remember if you
paid something or not, it's highlighted.

Buy a second toilet brush and keep it for just scrubbing the bathtub
between your major tub cleaning. It's easy to use and easier on the back. |
pretty baskets around the house to use as clutter catchers when you're
doing a quick cleanup for unexpected guests. Keep a large basket in the
living room for papers and magazines, a small one near the front door for
keys, gloves, glasses, phones, etc. After all, which looks better on a
table, a pretty basket filled with signs of living or a loose pile of
clutter? |
Smelly sneakers? - try painting them with a thick solution of baking soda
and water. Repeat as necessary. |
For plastic plates and glasses that are scratched and old looking, try
buffing them up with a little toothpaste! Use an old toothbrush to apply,
and rinse with clear, warm water. It'll remove old scratches and most
discoloring, and your plastic ware will look almost new again. |
Where to keep messages in an already crowded kitchen - paint the inside of
your cupboard door with chalkboard paint and you'll have a perfect message
board. |
To keep ants from getting all over your picnic table, spray insect
repellant on old strips of cloth and wrap around the table legs. |
No room to store your extra blankets? Lay the blankets out smoothly
between the mattress and springs of your bed. |
One way to keep your thread from tangling while you're sewing - instead of
taking the two strands of thread and knotting them together, knot each
strand separately. You'll be surprised at how few tangles you'll have in
the future. |
Make your candles last longer by storing them in the freezer, they'll burn
longer and drip less too! |
To get a knot out of a necklace chain, simply place a drop of vegetable oil
on the knot and then work out with a couple of straight pins. |
Tie a bunch of knots in dry cleaner bags before discarding them. This will
prevent small animals and children from entangling themselves in the bags. |
Is the top of your stove dull from cleaning and scrubbing? Try a little
liquid car polish and a damp cloth to brighten the enamel or metal. It'll
also help the food and grease to come off more easily. |

Prevent batter from sticking to your mixer's beaters by spritzing them
with nonstick cooking spray before you submerge them. |
Use green peppers ( with tops cut off and seeds removed) as dip dishes. It
looks great and fewer items to wash later. |
Make giant ice cubes by freezing water in muffin tins. This size is great
for punch bowls and picnic coolers. |
To keep bananas from ripening too quickly, wrap each banana in newspaper
and store in the crisper bin in the refrigerator. |
To help just-dry cleaned drapes stay fresh and crisp looking, spray them
with a few coats of unscented hair spray before you hang them up. Allow
drapes to dry between applications. |
Use a drop of paint on a Q-tip to touch up blemished surfaces. No
wasted paint and no time wasted cleaning brushes. |
Repair any tears on your ironing board cover by attaching iron on patches. |
Use up the last few frames on a roll of film to photograph your garden in
bloom - this is a great way to keep a record of what grew well and what
plantings you particularly liked. |
Bug Free Picnics - Place a vase filled with fresh sprigs of lavender, mint
of elder on the table. rub the leaves regularly to release their
bug-repelling scent. |
Get chewing gum out of hair - if gum ever gets stuck in someone's hair,
try this trick. Knead Vaseline onto the gum and work the gum out of the
hair. Shampoo hair immediately. |
Dust wicker furniture easily with a clean paintbrush. The stiff bristles
really get into the spaces to get hard to reach dirt. |
After opening a large package of bacon and needing only a few slices,
place the other pieces side by side on a cookie sheet and freeze.
Store frozen slices in a plastic resealable freezer bag and remove and
thaw as needed. |
To keep hard-cooked eggs from cracking and keep poached eggs compact, add
1 tablespoon of vinegar to the water. |
To store leftover tomato paste, spoon tablespoon-size dollops onto a small
cookie sheet and freeze until firm. Transfer to a plastic bag, seal and
freeze. Remove as needed and add to sauces, vegetables, soups or stews. |
You can get more lemon juice out of a lemon by letting it reach room
temperature before squeezing it. |
Always wash and freeze fresh parsley. It chops easier after it's frozen
and thaws quickly after it's chopped. |

Use dental floss to slice a cake or torte evenly and cleanly. Simply
stretch a length of the floss taut and press down through the cake for a
nice, clean cut! |
Tack a lavender sachet on the wall behind your bed's headboard. The fresh
springtime scent has long been believed to induce sleep and inspire sweet
dreams. |
Don't throw away that old flannel nightgown. Cut it up into different size
pieces and use the soft cloth to dust and polish furniture and buff your
car. |
Invert a plastic berry basket over a bow when mailing a package to prevent
the bow from getting crushed. |
Place plastic berry baskets over young seedlings to protect them from
animals. |
Put a couple of unwrapped bars of soap or fabric-softener sheets inside a
musty drawer to rid it of odors. If you have clothes in the drawer, make
sure you put these in an open sandwich bag so not to leave any oils on
your clothes. |
Fill musty suitcases with crumbled newspaper, shut and leave for a few
days, this will absorb the odors. |
Place some charcoal briquette in an aluminum roasting pan on the floor.
Replace every few months. Or put some pieces of chalk in an old nylon
stocking and hang from a hanger. |
Put a few grains of rice in the salt shaker to absorb moisture. |
Rub the runners of drawers with soap or candle wax and move it back and
forth to distribute wax to help with sticking drawers. |
Have a separate address book to use just for Internet addresses that
interest you. Arrange them alphabetically in categories such as shopping,
antiques, food, etc. It helps reduce the time you spend searching for a
particular item. |
To keep trousers from creasing when you're packing them in a suitcase,
place an empty paper towel roll between the upper and lower area where
they're folded. |

Stain-Busting Tips
Ballpoint Ink - Press a paper towel against the stain to absorb
wet ink. Using a cotton swab dipped in denatured alcohol, lightly dab
at the mark. Rinse with cold water, then wash according to fabric.
Blood - Soak the stained garment for 15 minutes in a bucket of
cold water mixed with a handful of salt. Then soak in an enzyme-based
detergent. Launder according to fabric.
Chocolate - Pretreat stain with an enzyme based detergent, then
launder as usual. If stain remains, relaunder with bleach if safe for
Coffee (black or with sugar) - Flush with cool water, then rub
stain with paste of powdered detergent and water. Launder according to
Coffee (with cream) - Flush with cool water, then sponge stain
with a dry-cleaning solvent. Allow to air dry, then rub the area with
detergent. Launder according to fabric.
Copier/toner powder - Shake off any loose powder. Wash as usual
in warm water.
Dirt/Mud - Allow mud to dry. Brush off any hard residue, then
launder to remove any remaining marks. Treat persistent mud stains
with denatured alcohol.
Fruit Juice - Rinse immediately under cold water. Treat any
remaining stain by sponging it with denatured alcohol. Launder
according to fabric.
Grass - Soak in an enzyme-based detergent. Launder according to
Grease, oil, or fat - With a paper towel, blot away any remaining
grease. Sponge with dry cleaning solvent, then launder according to
Lipstick - Dilute by sponging stain with denatured alcohol.
Repeat with dishwashing liquid. Launder according to fabric.
Liquid medicine (syrup) - Sponge stain lightly with denatured
alcohol. Launder according to fabric.
Mildew - Brush off mildewed area, then pretreat stain with a
heavy-duty liquid detergent. Launder in hottest water safe for
fabric and dry in the sun.
Paint (latex) Blot excess paint immediately, then sponge with
cold water. Launder according to fabric.
Perspiration - Blot excess paint immediately, then sponge with
cold water. Launder according to fabric.
Sauces (tomato-based) - Place the fresh stain under cold water,
rubbing it between you fingers. Saturate the area with a prewash
treatment. Launder according to fabric.
Scorch mark from iron - If it's slight and has not damaged
fibers, wash immediately with regular detergent in warm water.
Wax - scrape up as much of the wax deposit as you can using a
spoon. Place brown paper over the spot and iron with a warm iron until
the wax melts into the paper. Treat any residual marks with denatured
Wine (red) - Blot dry, then rinse fresh stains in cold water.
Pretreat with a paste of powdered detergent and water. Launder in
hottest water safe for fabric.
Wine (white) Flush with cold water, then launder according to
fabric. Dilute by sponging stain with denatured alcohol. Repeat with
dishwashing liquid. Launder according to fabric.
Special Pointers
Act Fast - Tackle a stain as soon as it occurs. Fresh spots are
much easier to remove than the old one that have penetrated the fabric
and set.
Go for the other side - Apply stain removers and solutions to the
underside of the stain with the soiled area face down on a clean paper
towel. You want to force the stain off, not through the fabric.

Here's an easy way to clean your electric can opener: Soak an old
toothbrush in vinegar, hold it under the blade/wheel and turn on the
machine. |
To crush fresh gingerroot quickly and easily, peel the ginger and force it
through a garlic press. |
keep apple and banana slices from turning brown, place them on a plate
containing a small amount of lemon-lime soft drink. It does the same as
lemon juice, but is not as tart on the fruit. |
a few pieces of coal in your bathroom to absorb moisture and odor. |
Soak string in water before using it to tie up boxes. As the string dries,
it tightens, providing a stronger seal. |
Recycle Styrofoam packing peanuts. Use them in the place of rocks as
drainage for potted plants. An added bonus: the post are much lighter. |
small holes in door and window screen with two or three coats of clear
nail polish. Let polish dry between coats. |
Tired of wasting time trying to cover an oversize package with regular-size
wrapping paper? Buy a colorful paper tablecloth instead. It works
beautifully. |
To remove hard-water and lime buildup in a teakettle, pour in two cups of
vinegar and bring to a boil. Let simmer for about 10 minutes, then rinse
well. |
After your open a jar for the first time, spray the threads and the inside
of lid with nonstick cooking spray so you won't have trouble reopening it. |
To keep cheese fresh and mold free, place two sugar cookies in a plastic
bag with a zipper lock, then add the cheese. It works! |
putting a bag of microwave popcorn into the oven, knead it until the lumps
are broken. This way most of the kernels will pop. |
To keep bugs and worms away from outdoor and houseplants, add of clove of
garlic to the soil. |
Treat your toilet to an overnight soaking of vinegar on a week basis.

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Try waxing your ashtrays. Ashes won't cling, odors won't linger and then
can be wiped clean with a paper towel or disposable tissue. This saves
daily washing. |
To remove burned food from oven, place a small cloth saturated with
ammonia in oven over night. Food will easily wipe up in the morning. |
Potatoes soaked in salt water for 20 minutes before baking will bake more
rapidly. |
For quick and handy seasoning while cooking, keep on hand a large shaker
containing six parts salt and one part pepper. |
Bread crumbs added to scrambled eggs will improve the flavor and make
larger helpings possible. |
Sweet potatoes will not turn dark if put in salted water (5 tsp to 1 quart
water) immediately after peeling. |
Soak bacon in cold water for a few minutes before placing in skillet. This
will lessen the tendency to shrink and curl. (make sure bacon is dry
before putting in hot skillet) |
A tablespoon of vinegar added to the water when poaching eggs will help
set the whites so they will not spread. |
Let raw potatoes stand in cold water for at least half an hour before
frying to improve the crispness of French fried potatoes. |
When cooking eggs, it help prevent cracking if you wet the shells in cold
water before placing them in boiling water. |
Cut drinking straws into short lengths and insert through slits in pie
crusts to prevent juice from running over in the oven and permit steam to
escape. |
Chill cheese to grate it more easily. |
The odor from baking or boiling salmon may be eliminated by squeezing
lemon juice on both sides of each salmon steak or on the cut surface of
the salmon and letting it stand in the refrigerator for one hour or longer
before cooking. |
A pie crust will be more easily made and better if all the ingredients are
cool. |
If you add a little milk to water in which cauliflower is cooking, the
cauliflower will remain attractively white. |
To whiten laces, wash them in sour milk. |
When cooking cabbage, place a small tin cup or can half full of vinegar on
the stove near the cabbage and it will absorb all odor from it. |
To remove burned on starch from your iron, sprinkle salt on a sheet of
waxed paper and slide iron back and forth several times. Then polish it
with silver polish until roughness or stain is removed. |
If you must empty your vacuum cleaner bag (to look for a lost item, etc)
empty the bag onto a newspaper which has been sprinkled with water. This
will lessen the scattering of dust. |

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Cleaning with Vinegar (submitted by Katy
Use vinegar to clean your wood cutting surfaces by
wiping them down with full strength vinegar to eliminate odors and
Use full strength vinegar on all kitchen counters and
islands to clean completely and prevent bacteria and mold.
A homemade solution of 1/2 cup baking soda and 1/2
cup vinegar will keep your drains clean. Pour solution down drain and
leave for 15 minutes and run some hot water down the drain.
Add 1/8 cup vinegar to your rinse water when doing
dishes to kill germs.
When mopping floors, add 1 cup of vinegar to your
rinse water for a germ free and shiny floor.
Add 1/4 cup of vinegar to your laundry soap to keep
your clothes free from fungus and mold. Some say it helps to whiten
Soak any towel or sponge in warm water with 1/2 cup
vinegar added to remove any smells or bacteria. Let soak at least 2
Mix 1/4 cup of vinegar to each quart of warm water to
wash windows. Wipe quickly with a soft cloth to make your windows
Scrub your stainless steel surfaces with baking soda
and enough vinegar to moisten.

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cool a cake that has just come out of the oven, place the pan on a wet
towel. Another plus to this tip is the cake is less likely to stick to the
pan if it's cooled this way. |
you want to know if your kitchen measuring scale is accurate; place nine
clean pennies on the scale, they should weigh one ounce. |
washing new towels for the first time, add a cup of salt to the water.
This will help set the color so the towels won't fade as quickly. |
tip: Buy a pair of inexpensive white sneakers or walking/running
shoes, and decorate them with lace, pearls and white satin. At the
reception, go from your high heels to these comfy shoes, your feet will
thank you! |
your vacuum begins smelling musty, crumble bay leaves or kitchen herbs in
front of the vacuum. The leaves will five the vacuum and the room a fresh
scent. |
loose soil from seeping out the bottom of your potted plants by place a
coffee filter in the bottom of the pot before planting. The filter lets
water out but keeps the soil in the pot. |
your hanging framed artwork from shifting off-level by applying a couple
drops of glue from a hot-glue gun on the back of the frame. (let the glue
dry before hanging) |
removing small parts from an item that you're repairing, lay a piece of
double-sided tape nearby and put the parts on the tape in the order
they're removed. |

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Cooking Shortcuts
quickly freshen the air in your home, put fresh peeling from oranges ,
lemons or apples in a dish and place in an open area. Use one fruit or
combine them for different scents. |
egg whites from yolks by breaking eggs, one at a time, into a funnel. The
whites will pass through, leaving the yolk in the funnel. |
masking tape makes great freezer tape. You can write on it with anything
and it peels off easily. |
making tarts, put a small ball of dough in each cup and loosely cover the
pan with plastic wrap. Press the dough into a tart shape through the
plastic. Peel off the plastic wrap and voila! no mess. |
a plastic squeeze bottle of margarine on hand. When a recipe calls for you
to "dot with butter", simply drizzle on the right amount. It's
quick and neat. |
a wonderful smooth fruit puree to use in jams and jellies, first mash the
fruit with a potato masher, then process in a blender. |
the summer when you drink a lot of iced tea or lemonade, cut lemon and
lime wedges and freeze them on a baking sheet then store them in a freezer
bag. Adding a frozen wedge to your drinks is handy and helps keep the
drink cold. |
week, when you make your menu for the week's dinners, use a food processor
to chop a bunch of carrots, onions, celery or whatever vegetables you'll
be using. Chopping everything at once saves time and reduces dirty dishes
and the vegetables are ready for a variety of recipes. |
your cutting board slides around on the counter, cut a piece waffled
rubber shelf liner and place under the board.
a spring-release ice cream scoop for shortening and peanut butter. It
eliminates the need to scrape.
keep boiled vegetables bright colored, add a few drops of olive oil to the
give gravy and stew great color and flavor, add a teaspoon or two of soy
For crispy
French Toast, add a touch of cornstarch to the egg mixture.
butter many slices of bread quickly and evenly, heat the butter until
soft, then "paint" it on with a flat pastry brush.
making meat loaf, first combine all ingredients except the ground beef.
The seasonings will be more evenly distributed.
When baking
muffins or cupcakes in paper liners, first spray them with non-stick
cooking spray. The liners peel off nicely, leaving no crumbs behind.
The easiest
way to cut bread cubes is to first freeze the bread, then trim and cube a
stack of frozen slices. They look perfect.
freeze a whole pie, slide it into a gallon-size resealable plastic freezer
bag plastic freezer bag. Squeeze out the are, seal the bag and pop into
the freezer.
bottle squeeze tops get messy fast so save a few tops from used bottles
and run them through the dishwasher. When the current tops get messy,
replace it with a spare.
stacking non-stick skillets on shelves, place a paper plate between each
to prevent scratches. This prolong the life of the skillets.
covering cheese-topped dishes with foil before baking, first coat the
underside of the foil with non-stick cooking spray. That way the melted
cheese won't come off with the foil.
Keep a new
toothbrush near the kitchen sink for cleaning graters, choppers, blenders,
When using
bulk chocolate to coat candies, set the bowl of melted chocolate in at
larger bowl of hot boiling water to keep from having to reheat it.
When you
make mini quiche appetizers, use a turkey baster to fill tart shells with
the egg and milk mixture. Then sprinkle on chopped green onions, pimientos
and shredded Swiss cheese.
putting uncooked meat or any sticky, drippy food into a resealable plastic
bag, first fold down the opening to prevent clogging up the zipper.
If you
frequently entertain family and friends, keep a record in a notebook of
the date, who attended and which recipes you used. This prevents serving
the same meal twice to the same group.

Cleaning Tips
revive scratched and dull wooden platter and bowls, especially dark woods,
make a thick paste of instant coffee and water for a non-toxic stain. Rub
in the stain with a clean sponge or cloth; wipe off any excess. |
remove pet hair from furniture easily, use a damp sponge and rub it in one
direction on the furniture and roll the hair onto the sponge for easy
disposal. |
To get
stains out of plastic cups and dishes, rub a little toothpaste on a sponge
and scrub. Toothpaste will also remove small scratches from plastic. |
For easy
cleaning, clean louvered doors with a paintbrush. |
Rubber band an old sock
to a fly swatter and dust under hard to get to places and under furniture.
Work great! |
Use a child's wagon to
move things about the house. This is wonderful for moving heavy boxes, books
or small pieces of furniture. |
Use canned shaving
cream to clean your bathroom mirror. This prevent it from fogging up. Works
great on eyeglasses too. |
For a fresh smelling
refrigerator, dip a few cotton balls in vanilla extract and put on a shelf.
It smells marvelous and lasts for weeks. |
Clean glass shower door
with full strength vinegar once a week. They'll sparkle like new. |
If your dishwasher
starts to get an odor, sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of it when you
wash your next load of dishes. It will freshen right up. |
To make a room smell
fabulous, rub a scented oil, such as rose or lavender to the wood on the
underside of your furniture. The scent will last for months. |
To clear
the air of cooking odors, add a tablespoon of vinegar to a cup of water and
boil for a few minutes. This will freshen the air up quickly. |
baking soda on carpet to freshen it up. Leave on for 1/2 hour and then vacuum. |
chrome fixture with rubbing alcohol. They shine right up! |
For tough
stains, use this treatment. Mix 1/4 cup chlorine bleach with 1/2 cup
automatic dishwasher detergent and 1 gallon HOT water. Soak clothes for 30
minutes and then wash as usual. Use this method ONLY for clothing that is
chlorine-bleach safe. |
If your
woven place mats are looking a little limp, place them on a flat surface,
then stretch and spray liberally with spray starch. The mats dry looking
like new. |
If all
else fails, try white toothpaste to get spots out of permanent-press
clothing. Rub it gently on stains, rinse, repeat if necessary. then wash as usual.
This helps in some cases. |
If you accidentally
wash a tissue with your clothing and the tissue shreds and clings to
everything, put everything in the dryer with a fabric softener sheet and
most of the mess comes off. For what's left, use a clothes brush or lint
remover. |
zippers that have lost their zip, try this: Run a bit of waxed based lip balm
or soap up and down the teeth of the zipper. It should zip up easily. |
To make
white resin furniture look like new: simply wipe it down with full strength
bleach. Make sure your wear old clothes when doing this. |
To remove
wine stains: Sprinkle salt directly on to the stain, then pour seltzer water
on top of it. Rub it in to make a paste. Let paste sit for about 10 minutes.
Brush off. |
To easily
remove burnt-on food from your skillet or pans, add water to cover the
bottom and bring to a boil, let simmer for a moment. The food will come
right off. |
When silk
flower arrangements look old and dusty, dip them gently and quickly in warm
water with detergent in it. Then place them on a towel to dry. They dry
looking new! |
The next
time a plastic bread wrapper melts on to the toaster or coffeepot, try this.
Rub some petroleum jelly on the spot, reheat the appliance and use a paper
towel to rub off the plastic and printing. |
For easy
cleanup after a spill in the oven, pour a small amount of water on the spill
while the oven is still warm. After 30 minutes or so, the spot will wipe up
easily. |
If the
window on your oven get ugly and yellow from broiling and baking, you'll
find that baking soda on a damp cloth cleans the window easily with no
scratches. |
More Cooking Tips
beautiful glaze on cookies and cakes, mix on part softened ice cream with
3 parts confectioner's sugar and spread. Allow to set for 2 hours.
Strawberry ice cream makes gorgeous "birthday pink" glaze.
Chocolate is especially delicious.
Add a pinch of salt to boiling water to keep
shells from cracking when cooking hard boiled eggs. |
you need to check on the freshness of an egg, put it in a pan of cold,
salted water. If it sinks, it's fresh.. if it rises to the top, throw it
out. |
Add a pinch of sugar to
water when boiling corn on the cob. The sugar will bring out the corn's
natural sweetness. |
baking a cake, take a second to run a knife through the batter before
placing the pan in the oven. This will remove air bubbles and prevent
holes from forming in the finished product. |
wrap will cling better if you moisten the rim of the bowl or pan you're
covering. |
you're home brewed iced tea is cloudy, add a little boiling water to the
pitcher. The teas will clear immediately. |
coordinated color and flavor when you bake a chocolate cake, use cocoa
instead of flour to dust greased pans. |
rolling graham crackers in a bag for a graham cracker crust, add sugar
and melted butter to the rolled crumbs, then knead the entire mixture in
the bag. Saves a bowl and makes the whole process easier. |
you're short one egg for a cake mix calling for two eggs or more,
substitute two tablespoons of mayonnaise. You'll never taste the
difference. |
make scrambled eggs light and fluffy, add 2 tablespoons of water and a
pinch of baking soda for each egg. |
discourage mice from entering your kitchen, hang sprigs of mint in your
cabinets. Rub the plants often to release the scent, which mice find
quite unpleasant. |
Put a
piece of bread in with home made cookies to keep them fresh. |
will take food stains off you fingers. Just slice and rub raw potato on
the stains and rinse with water. |
If you
have trouble opening jars, try using latex dishwashing gloves. They give
a non-slip grip that makes opening jars easy. |
your hands under cold water before pressing Rice Krispies Treats in the
pan. The marshmallow won't stick to your fingers. |
your Tupperware with nonstick cooking spray before pouring in
tomato-based sauces -- no more stains. |
beaten egg white over pie crust before baking to yield a beautiful,
glossy finish.
When a
cake recipe calls for flouring the baking pan, use a bit of the dry cake
mix instead, no more white mess on the outside of the cake. |

Cleaning with Alka-Seltzer
Clean a vase: To
remove a stain from the bottom of a glass vase or cruet, fill with water
and drop in two Alka-Seltzer tablets. |
Polish jewelry:
Drop two Alka-Seltzer tablets into a glass of water and immerse the
jewelry for two minutes. |
Clean a thermos
bottle: Fill the bottle with water, drop in four Alka-Seltzer tablets,
and let soak for an hour (or longer if necessary). |
Clean a toilet:
Drop in two Alka-Seltzer tablets, wait twenty minutes, brush and flush.
The citric acid and effervescent action clean vitreous china. |
Unclog a drain: Clear a
sink by dropping
three Alka-Seltzer tablets down the drain followed by a cup of Heinz White
Vinegar. Wait a few minutes, then run the hot water.

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