Senior Track

Check out the Senior Track Pets section for all your Pet's

PLEASE Read This and Send it to Family and
Laurinda Morris, DVM
Danville Veterinary Clinic
Danville , Ohio
This week I had the first case in history of raisin toxicity ever
seen at MedVet. My patient was a 56-pound, 5 yr old male neutered
lab mix that ate half a canister of raisins sometime between 7:30 AM
and 4:30 PM on Tuesday. He started with vomiting, diarrhea and
shaking about 1AM on Wednesday but the owner didn't call my
emergency service until 7AM.
I had heard somewhere about raisins AND grapes causing acute Renal
failure but hadn't seen any formal paper on the subject. We had her
bring the dog in immediately. In the meantime, I called the ER
service at MedVet and the doctor there was like me - had heard
something about it, but.... Anyway, we contacted the ASPCA
National Animal Poison Control Center and they said to give IV
fluids at 1 ½ times maintenance and watch the kidney values for the
next 48-72 hours.
The dog's BUN (blood urea nitrogen level) was already at 32 (normal
less than 27) and creatinine over 5 (1.9 is the high end of normal).
Both are monitors of kidney function in the bloodstream. We placed
an IV catheter
and started the fluids. Rechecked the renal values at 5 PM and the
BUN was over 40 and creatinine over 7 with no urine production after
a liter of fluids. At the point I felt the dog was in acute renal
failure and sent him on to MedVet for a urinary catheter to monitor
urine output overnight as well as overnight care.
He started vomiting again overnight at MedVet and his renal values
have continued to increase daily. He produced urine when given lasix
as a diuretic. He was on 3 different anti-vomiting medications and
they still couldn't control his vomiting. Today his urine output
decreased again, his BUN was over 120, his creatinine was at 10, his
phosphorus was very elevated and his blood pressure, which had been
staying around 150, skyrocketed to 220.. He continued to vomit and
the owners elected to euthanize.
This is a very sad case - great dog, great owners who had no idea
raisins could be a toxin. Please alert everyone you know who has a
dog of this very serious risk. Poison control said as few as 7
raisins or grapes could be toxic. Many people I know give their dogs
grapes or raisins as treats including our ex-handler's. Any exposure
should give rise to immediate concern.
Even if you don't have a dog, you might have friends who do. This is
worth passing on to them.
First Aid for Pets
Basic Supplies:
Gauze pads, gauze roll/ bandages, roll of cloth, thermometer,
tweezers, hydrogen peroxide, antibiotic ointment, Q-tips,
instant cold pack, rags/ rubber tubing for tourniquet, First Aid
Handling an Injured Animal
Any animal injured or in pain can bite or scratch you. Even the
friendliest of pets must be handled with care for the safety, of
all involved. If you are accidentally bitten or scratched, seek
medical attention. Both dog and cat bites can become infected
Vital Statistics: Pulse and Heart Rate
Normal resting rates:
- Cats: 150-200 bpm
- Small dogs: 90-120 bpm
- Medium dogs: 70-110 bpm
- Large dogs: 60-90 bpm
Pulse should be strong, regular and easy to locate.
Checking the pulse
The easiest place to locate a pulse is the femoral artery in the
groin area. Place your fingers on the inside of the hind leg and
slide your hand upward until the back of your fingers touches
the abdomen. Gently move your fingers back and forth on the
inside of the hind leg until you feel the pulsing blood. Count
the number of pulses in 15 seconds and multiply that number by
4. This will give you the beats per minute (bpm).
Normal temp. for dogs and cats: 100-102.5 degrees
Thermometer should be almost clean when removed.
Abnormalities are indicated by blood, diarrhea, or black, tarry
Basic First Aid Procedures
All of the following situations require immediate veterinary
- Fractures
- Muzzle animal.
- Gently lay animal on a board, wooden door, tarp,
etc. padded with blankets.
- Secure animal to the support.
- Do not attempt to set the fracture.
- If a limb is broken, wrap the leg in cotton padding,
then wrap with a magazine, rolled newspaper, towel or
two sticks. Splint should extend one joint above the
fracture and one joint below. Secure with tape. Make
sure wrap does not constrict blood flow.
- If the spine, ribs, hip, etc. appears injured or
broken, gently place the animal on the stretcher and
immobilize it if possible.
- Bleeding (external)
- Muzzle animal.
- Press thick gauze pad over wound. Hold firmly until
clotting occurs.
- If bleeding is severe, apply a tourniquet between
the wound and the heart.
- Loosen tourniquet for 20 seconds every 15-20
- A tourniquet is dangerous and should only be used in
life-threatening hemorrhaging of a limb. It may result
in amputation or disability of the limb.
- Bleeding (internal)
- Symptoms: bleeding from nose, mouth, rectum;
coughing blood; blood in urine; pale gums; collapse;
rapid or weak pulse.
- Keep animal as warm and quiet as possible.
- Burns
- Chemical
- Muzzle animal.
- Flush immediately with large quantities of cold
- Severe
- Muzzle animal.
- Quickly apply ice water compresses.
- Treat for shock if necessary.
- Shock
- Symptoms: weak pulse; shallow breathing;
nervousness; dazed appearance.
- Often accompanies severe injury or extreme fright.
- Keep animal restrained, quiet and warm.
- If unconscious, keep head level with rest of body.
Restraint Methods
If your animal is injured, you must restrain him/her for your
safety as well as your pet's. Muzzle your pet to restrain it
unless it is unconscious, has difficulty breathing or has a
mouth injury.
- Speak and move calmly and quietly.
- Have someone restrain the dog with a leash.
- Approach dog from the side and behind its head; do not
attempt to put muzzle on from the front.
- Quickly slip a nylon or wire cage muzzle over nose,
secure snugly behind ears.
- If a muzzle is not available, you can make one from a
strip of gauze, rag, necktie, belt or rope about 3 feet
- Make a large loop in the center. Quickly slip loop
over dog's nose.
- Bring ends under chin. Tie snugly behind ears.
- Speak and move calmly and quietly.
- Have someone restrain the cat by holding the scruff of
its neck firmly. This does not hurt the cat; it just
prevents him/her from moving.
- Working from behind the cat, quickly slip a nylon muzzle
over the cat's face. The muzzle will cover most of his/her
face, including the eyes. Secure snugly behind head.
- If you are alone, scruff the cat with one hand and put
the muzzle over the cat's face with the other. Slide both
hands along muzzle straps and secure behind the head.
- If a muzzle is not available, one can be made with a rag
or a strip of gauze. Make sure that it is carefully placed
around the cat's mouth and securely fastened, as cats can
escape from these temporary muzzles.
Cats--Body Restraint
- Most cats can be restrained by holding the scruff of the
- The "Cat Sack" can be used for fractious or very
frightened cats. Slip sack over cat from tail to head, zip
up appropriate zippers.
- Wrap cat in a towel, making, sure his/her front legs are
covered and against the body.
- Gloves are not recommended for handling cats. They
reduce the handler's dexterity and can easily be penetrated
by a cat's teeth.
Basic First Aid Procedures
All of the following situations require immediate veterinary
- Fractures
- Wing
- Restrain bird by wrapping in a towel or slipping
into a sock with the toe cut out.
- Leg
- Restrain bird by wrapping in a towel or sock,
leaving leg exposed.
- Splint leg with 2 pieces of adhesive tape placed
perpendicular to leg across break site.
- Bleeding
- Broken "blood" feather (new feather)
- Pull feather out gently; bleeding should
- Press finger over removal site until bleeding
- Wound or broken nail
- Apply pressure to site with finger(s). Bleeding
should decrease.
- Apply "Quick Stop" powder or styptic to stop
- Flour or cornstarch can be used in an emergency.
- Puncture Wounds
- Wrap bird in towel or sock.
- See veterinarian: antibiotics are required to
prevent infections.
- Carefully wrap bird in towel, gently folding his/her
wings against the body. Keep your hands out of the way of
the beak.
- Gloves are not recommended for bigger birds. They reduce
the handler's dexterity and strong beaks can easily
penetrate them.
- Wrap the animal in a towel or rag, gently folding
his/her legs against the body.
This material produced by the
Palo Alto Humane Society in conjunction with the American Red
Cross Northern California Disaster Preparedness Network and the
Independent Living Resource Center, San Francisco, CA in
cooperation with June Kailes, Disability Consultant through a
grant from The American Red Cross Northern California Disaster
Preparedness Network |
Halloween Safety Tips for
Pet Owners
Halloween can be a frightening time for family dogs. Each Halloween,
veterinarians nationwide see pet injuries that could have been avoided.
Here are some ways we can protect pets:
Walk your dog before trick-or-treaters start their visits. Keep a
firm grip on the leash; many dogs are frightened by people in costumes.
Find a secure place in your home to keep your dogs, especially if
you're giving out candy to trick-or-treaters. Many dogs get loose when
the door opens, and the presence of little (and big) costumed people
often scares animals, increasing the chance dogs will run away or get
hit by cars.
Make sure your dog is wearing an up-to-date I.D. tag.
Place a dog gate in front of your front door to block access in
case someone accidentally lets your pet out of the place where he's
confined. Many dogs will run after trick-or-treaters.
If your dog has any aggressive tendencies, fear of loud noises, or
a habit of excessive barking, place him in a quiet room as far away from
your front door as possible at least a half-hour before
trick-or-treaters arrive.
Consider crating your pet, which can make him feel more secure and
reduce chances of accidental escapes. Provide chew toys, a favorite
blanket, a piece of clothing with your scent on it, or whatever comforts
the animal. Play soft music or a recording of soothing sounds.
If you want to have your dog near the door to greet visitors, keep
him on leash. Pets can become very stressed by holiday activities and
unwelcome interruptions in routine. A nervous dog might feel threatened
and growl, lunge or bite.
Keep dogs indoors. It's a bad idea to leave dogs out in the yard;
in addition to the parade of holiday celebrants frightening and
agitating them, there have been reports of taunting, poisonings and pet
thefts. Plus they're likely to bark and howl at the constant flow of
treat or treaters.
As for cats, as the ASPCA and other organizations advise, keep cats
indoors at all times.
Do not leave dogs in cars.
Keep dogs out of the candy bowl. Dispose of candy wrappers before
your pets get to them, since the wrappers can cause choking or
intestinal obstruction. Make sure the dogs can't get into the trash.
Note: Chocolate contains theobromine, which can cause nerve damage and
even death in dogs. The darker the chocolate, the more concentrated it
is -- and the smaller the lethal dose.
Explain to everyone in your home (including kids) how dangerous
treats are to pets. Take young childrenUs candy supply and put it
somewhere out of reach of pets. Caution children about leaving candy
wrappers on the floor.
Make sure pets can't reach candles, jack-o-lanterns, decorations or
Halloween costumes can annoy animals and pose safety and health
hazards...so think twice before dressing up the dog. Make sure the dog
can breathe, see and hear, and that the costume is flame retardant.
Remove any small or dangling accessories that could be chewed and
swallowed. Avoid rubber bands, which can cut off the animal's
circulation or, if accidentally left on, can burrow and cut into the
animal's skin.
If the animal is very high-strung, consult your vet about
tranquilizing for the night.
When walking dogs during or after Halloween, watch carefully for
what they might pick up and choke on. Bits of candy and wrappers abound
on sidewalks and streets after holidays.
*If you notice these symptoms of chocolate poisoning, go to your vet
or an emergency vet right away because your pet's life may be in danger:
here if your dog has eaten some chocolate
*First Aid Kit and Guidance:
Keep a pet First Aid Kit in your home and car. Take the one you keep in
your car with you on trips with your pet. This webpage lists items to
CPR and Mouth-to-Snout Resuscitation:
Print these life-saving brochures to have on hand!
When traveling, you can find a nearby veterinarian using AAHA's
Animal Hospital Locator:
 Animal Den
Den - the Animal Lovers Gift Shop. A great selection of products
for animals and animal lovers including dogs, cats, marine life,
barnyard animals, bugs, birds, reptiles, small critters, wildlife
and more. If you love animals or know someone that does, this
is the perfect place!
here to see all Animal Den Products! |
Pet Parenting Tips from the ASPCA
Although you can often find the perfect
companion animal at local shelters, getting a pet should never be in
impulse decision. Careful research and planning are essential, since
being responsible for the happiness and well-being of your pet
requires more than just providing adequate food, water and shelter.
Potential pet parents should agree with these points before bringing
a dog or cat home.
Animals are not disposable!
Animals are not articles of clothing to be thrown out once they are
no longer in style. The are capable of bonding deeply with their
families and they deserve the same devotion from you. Adding a
four-legged family member means making a lifelong commitment, which
can easily be 10-15 years for dogs and up to 20 for cats.
Protect your pet's health and safety: Acquiring a dog of cat
costs more than the adoption fee. Remember to include basic and
emergency veterinary care, toys, supplies and food. Don't plan on
leaving your dog alone in the backyard 24 hours a day. A dog that is
constantly left along can develop behavior problems. Dogs thrive on
several hours of exercise and companionship every day. Always keep
your cat indoors. Cats who live outside face dangers from other
animals and people and may prey on wildlife. Spaying and neutering
is also essential for the animal's long-term health and happiness
and providing the animal with proper identification will ensure his
or her safety.
Choose the right pet for your home: Dogs and cats are not right for
every household. Problems such as allergies, apartment restrictions
and moving issues should be discovered before adopting a new pet.
Large dogs may be too strong or active for small children. Small
pets may be too delicate for children. Once you find a dog or cat
that's right for you, obedience train your dog and make an effort to
really understand cat behavior. Basic training helps you communicate
better with your pets and strengthens the human-animal bond.
Teach yourself, family and children about the pet before adopting:
Educate yourself and your children through reading books about pet
care. Walking a dog several times a day, cleaning up feces, feeding
and bathing a pet are all part of the ongoing family
responsibilities of caring for an animal. No matter how mature your
child is, you will need to provide constant supervision and act as a
backup when your child is unable to handle the responsibility.
Puppies and children may not mix well. consider your child's age -
very young children may unwittingly mishandle or hurt a puppy or
kitten, which are particularly vulnerable to being pulled at,
dropped or picked up inappropriately. Most toy-sized and
touch-and-noise-sensitive dogs are not suitable for young children.
Make sure the pet suits your lifestyle: Dogs require daily exercise
and attention and the size of the dog should be considered, since a
large active dog may not be appropriate for a small apartment. One
adult in the home should be designated as the primary caretaker so
that the pet's daily needs, such as food and water, do not become
lost in the shuffle of busy schedules.
Remember thinking
before adopting will save the animal from being returned to the
shelter and will offer the pet and family a long and satisfying life
together. If you are confident that you are ready to add a
four-legged member to your family, try beginning your search at our
website www.aspca.org, where you
can search shelters and animal rescue groups all across America. Or
just take a trip to your local shelter.
To teach children
the importance of kindness towards out animal friends, visit our
children's website at
Editors Note:
Please also remember that birds and other small animals become
attached to their families as well. They should be considered
no more disposable than a cat or dog. As an owner of two small
birds, I was surprised when they became very attached to us and
seemed to look forward to spending time with us individually.
Just because they are easily transported to another home for quick
disposal, shouldn't mean their feelings don't matter. They
do...birds can hurt too.
Please remember your pets count on you for
their safety in emergency situations. They cannot fend for
themselves. Treat them as you would any other member of your
family. Here are a few valuable tips from ASPCA.
Emergency Pet Preparedness by
Hurricanes, wildfires, flood...if disaster
strikes, are you prepared to protect your pets? A few simple
steps can help ensure you won't be caught off guard.
Display a Rescue Alert Sticker - A personalized sticker on your
front door alerts rescue worker to the type and number of pets
indoors. For a free sticker, visit the ASPCA website at
Arrange a Safe Haven - Should you need to evacuate, have a list
of reputable boarding kennels, shelters or local hotels that accept
pets or arrange ahead to bring your pets to a friend's home. Red
Cross disaster shelters will not accept pets.
Prepare an Emergency Travel Kit - Store an emergency kit and
leashed near your home's exit. Include a pet first-aid kit; a two
week supply of pet food, water, pet medications, food dished,
disposable litter trays and photos of your pets (in case your pet is
lost and you need to make posters). A flashlight, blanket (handy for
scooping up fearful pets) and a carrier or traveling case are also
Choose a Designated Caregiver - Give a set of house keys ahead
of time to a trusted friend or neighbor in case you're unable to
return home to your pets. Arrange for a temporary or long-term
foster home in case you cannot care for your pets.
Prepare Your Pets -
Collars and tags with up-to-date contact information are essential
for all pets. Bring pets indoors at the first sign or warning of a
storm or disaster. Should your animal become lost, know where your
local shelters and rescue organizations are located and start
looking for a missing pet as soon as possible.
Prepare Your Home:
For high winds: Utility rooms, bathrooms
and basements offer safe havens clear of such hazards as windows
or flying debris.
For loss of electricity: Fill up bathtubs
and sinks with fresh water ahead of time.
For flooding: Select the highest room in
you home that has a counter or shelves where your pet can take
For more
information, to make donations or to report animal cruelty visit the
ASPCA Web site at
www.aspca.org |
Keep Your Pets Safe During Winter
Keep your cat inside.
Outdoors, cats can freeze, become lost or be stolen,
injured or killed
During the winter,
outdoor cats sometimes sleep under the hoods of cars.
When the
motor is started, the cat can be injured or killed by
the fan belt. Before starting the engine, bang loudly on
the car hood to give the cat a chance to escape.
Never let your dog off
the leash on snow or ice, especially during a
snowstorm--dogs can lose their scent and easily become
lost. More dogs are lost during the winter than during
any other season, so make sure they always wear I.D.
Thoroughly wipe off your
dog's legs and stomach when he comes in out of the
sleet, snow or ice. He can ingest salt, antifreeze or
other chemicals while licking his paws, and his paw pads
may also bleed from snow or encrusted ice.
Own a short-haired breed?
Consider getting him a coat or sweater with a high
collar or turtleneck that covers the dog from the base
of the tail on top to the belly underneath. While this
may seem like a luxury, it is a necessity for many dogs.
Never leave your dog or
cat alone in a car during cold weather. A car can act as
a refrigerator in the winter, holding in the cold. The
animal can freeze to death. If your dog is sensitive to
the cold due to age, illness or breed type, take him
outdoors only to relieve himself.
Puppies do not tolerate
the cold as well as adult dogs and may be difficult to
housebreak during the winter. If necessary, paper train
your puppy inside if he appears to be sensitive to the
If your dog spends a lot
of time engaged in outdoor activities, increase his
supply of food, particularly protein, to keep his fur
thick and healthy.
Antifreeze, even in very
tiny doses is a lethal poison for dogs and cats.
Unfortunately, because of its sweet taste, animals are
attracted to it. Be sure to thoroughly clean up any
spills from your vehicle. To prevent accidental
poisoning; more and more people are using animal
friendly products that contain propylene glycol rather
than traditional products containing ethylene glycol.
Call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison
Control Center (1-888-4ANI-HELP) if you suspect your
animal has been poisoned
During the winter time
dogs and cats need just as much water as during the
summertime. Make sure water bowls are not frozen over
and never assume they can get their water needs met by
eating snow.
Vaccinations are a safe and effective
way to protect your pet from acquiring dangerous and
debilitating diseases such as distemper, parvo-virus,
rabies, kennel cough, feline leukemia, FPV, and many other
Puppies and kittens require more
frequent boosters because the immunity the received from
their mothers may interfere with their ability to build
immunity through their response to vaccinations. Also, their
immune systems are not yet mature enough to mount a full
Typical Puppy Vaccination
Schedule |
Age |
Vaccine |
6-8 weeks |
Distemper, ardenovirus (CAV-I),
canine parainfluenza virus (CPiV), canine parvovirus
(CPV). |
9-12 weeks |
Distemper, CAV-I, CPiV, CPV,
leptospirosis, coronavirus (CoV), intranasal
Bordetella and CPiV. |
14 weeks |
Distemper, CAV-I, CPiV, CPV,
leptosperosis, CoV, Lyme disease. |
16-18 weeks |
Rabies, distemper, CPiV, CPV,
leptospirosis, Lyme disease. |
Typical Kitten Vaccination
Schedule |
Age |
Vaccine |
6-8 weeks |
Panleukopenia (FPV), Rhinotrachetis
(FVR), Calicivirus (FCV) |
12 weeks |
2nd FPV, FVR, FCV; Draw ELISA test
for Feline Leukemia (FeLV); If ELISA is negative,
give 1st FeLV. |
16 weeks |
1st Rabies, 2nd FeLV, 3rd FPV, FVR,
15-16 months & Annually |
FPV, FVR, FCV, FeLV, Rabies (rabies
will be repeated according to type of vaccine
initially employed). |
Great Quotes by Dog Lovers ~
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You
are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful
and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be
worthy of such devotion. ---Unknown
The one absolutely, unselfish friend that man can have in
this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that
never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog.
---George Graham Vest
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he
will not bite you. This is the principal difference
between a dog and a man. ---Mark Twain
He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer; he will lick
the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness
of the world...When all other friends desert, he remains.
---George G. Vest
Near this spot are deposited the remains of one who possessed
Beauty without Vanity, Strength without Insolence, Courage
without Ferocity and all the Virtues of Man without his vices.
This praise, which would be unmeaning Flattery, if inscribed
over human ashes, is but a just Tribute to the Memory of
Boatswain, a Dog. ---John Cam Hobhouse
But never yet the dog our country fed, Betrayed the kindness
or forgot the bread. ---Edward Lytton Bulwer
The more I see of man, the better I like dogs.
---Madame Roland
The gift which I am sending you is called a dog and is, in
fact, the most precious and valuable possession of mankind.
---Theodorus Gaza
Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or
jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a
glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, when doing nothing was
not boring - it was peace. ---Milan Kundera
I would rather see a portrait of a dog that I know than all
the allegorical paintings in the world. ---Samuel

Pet's Health from our friends at
Your dog’s normal temperature is 100.5 to 102.5 degrees
Fahrenheit. Higher temperatures may necessitate a trip to your veterinarian,
depending on other symptoms. Feeling the ears, nose or head is not
considered a reliable method; you have to determine the internal dog
temperature to find out for certain. This is done using an oral or
rectal thermometer, either digital or mercury. Ear thermometers can
also be used in dogs. They are generally fast and easy but it is
essential to use a proper technique to obtain an accurate
temperature reading.
SCENTED CANDLES CAN SOMETIMES KILL BIRDS! It has been reported that certain scented candles have caused the
deaths of birds. Better to not use any and be safe rather than
sorry. Many candles also contain lead wicks which emit poisonous
Poisonous plants: Make sure to keep your cat or dog away from these danerious plants:
Amaryllis, Azalea, Caladium, Calla or arum lily, Daffodil,
Delphinium, Elephant’s ear, English holly, Foxglove, Ivy, Jade
plant, Jerusalem cherry, Morning glory, Mums, Privet, Wisteria
Lyme Disease:
Lyme is a bacterial disease spread by ticks. Symptoms in dogs
include lethargy, joint pain, lack of appetite, lymph node
enlargement and fever. Some dogs have antibodies to the disease,
indicating that they have been exposed, but they show no
Dog Smarts
The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail
instead of his tongue. - Anonymous
Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that
you are wonderful. - Ann Landers
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go
where they went. - Will Rogers
There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your
face. - Ben Williams
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he
loves himself. - Josh Billings
The average dog is a nicer person than the average person. -
Andy Rooney
We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we
can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best
deal man has ever made. - M. Acklam
I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird
religious cult. - Rita Rudner
A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance and to turn around
three times before lying down. - Robert Benchley
Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a
dog. - Franklin P. Jones
If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs
I have known will go to heaven and very, very few persons. -
James Thurber
If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise.- Unknown
My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00
a can. That's almost $21.00 in dog money. - Joe Weinstein
Ever consider what our dogs must think of us? I mean, here we
come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul --
chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest
hunters on earth! - Anne Tyler
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will
not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and
a man. - Mark Twain
You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give
you a look that says, 'Wow, you're right! I never would've
thought of that!' - Dave Barry
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. -
Roger Caras
If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in
your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them. - Phil
My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already
thinks I am. - Unknown
Is your pet left alone quite a bit? Here are a few suggestions that
could help cure their blues.
Hide a few
snacks around the house: Finding an unexpected treat in an odd corner
can brighten a pet's day.
Find a
companion: They don't have to be two of a kind. A cat and a dog will get
along just fine.
Break the
Silence: Turn on the radio or set the answering machine on high and call
your pet once in awhile.
Please Please don't leave them in the dark: Either leave on a light or,
if you have them, set timers to turn on lamps.
Rotate their
toys: After they've been out a day or two, substitute others.
For anyone who has ever lost a beloved pet....
Rainbow Bridge
by M.A.
Just this side
of heaven lies the Rainbow Bridge.
When a beloved
pet dies, it goes to the the Rainbow Bridge. It makes friends with other
animals and frolics over rolling hills and peaceful, lush meadows of
Our pets do not
thirst or hunger. The old and sick are made young once more; the maimed
and the ill become healed and strong. They are as healthy and playful as
we remember them in days gone by.
Though happy
and content, they still miss someone very special, someone they had to
leave behind.
Together, the
animals chase and play, but the day comes when a pet will suddenly stop
and look into the distance... bright eyes intent, eager body quivering.
Suddenly recognizing you, your pet bounds quickly across the green fields
and into your embrace. You celebrate in joyous reunion. You will never
again separate. Happy tears and kisses are warm and plenty; your hands
caress the face you missed. You look once more into the loving eyes of
your pet and know you never really parted. You realize that though out of
sight, your love had been remembered.
And now,
you cross the Rainbow Bridge together....
Five Star Puppy Tip!
If you're housebreaking a new pup, try this! To
remove odor and wetness from carpeting, blot up urine with paper
towels and cover the soiled area with cat-box litter. After the
litter has absorbed the liquid, vacuum it up - your carpeting will
be odor-free. This really works!
Summertime can be dangerous time to travel with your pet, as the
risk of heatstroke is increased. Pets should never be left alone in a
completely enclosed car for ANY period of time. Here are some common signs
of heatstroke to look out for:
If you think your pet is suffering from heatstroke, take steps to
cool him down immediately. Apply a cool, wet towel to his body and keep
him out of sunlight. Give him small doses of water. Even if you pet
appears to recover, take him to a veterinarian immediately. A qualified
doctor will take the necessary steps to make sure your pet is fully
recovered. |
Dangers for your Pet
Store space heater when they're not in use. Do not let your pet
learn to trust a cool heater. The next time the animal approaches, it
may get burned.
Screen fireplaces to shield pets that curl up beside them from
Put mesh covering on electric fans to keep curious noses and paws
Don't leave sewing supplies lying around. Frequently a pet will
start to play with thread and end up swallowing a needle. NEVER pull
on a thread that's dangling from your pet's mouth. If a needle is
swallowed, you can do major damage to your pet by trying to pull on
it. Call your vet immediately.
Watch for dropped rubber bands and broken balloon pieces around
the house, some animals find these things intriguing and may swallow
them. They can get lodged in their throats or cause intestinal
Dishes soaking in a sink of hot, sudsy water may result in
serious burns for an inquisitive cat or detergent poisoning for a
thirsty one.
"If is smells, eat it" is the golden rule among pets,
especially dogs. They not only get sick when they eat spoiled food and
garbage, but they can also choke on scraps of tinfoil, cellophane,
etc. Bones from fish, chicken and other foods can perforate a
pet's intestines or become lodged in their throats. Be sure all your
garbage is stored in pet-proof containers, inside and outside the
If you use automatic toilet-bowl cleaners, keep toilet lids down
to be sure your pet doesn't drink from the bowl.
Both dogs and cats munch grass from time to time, but serious
illness can be the consequence if your lawn has been treated with
chemicals. Also, insecticide that you pet ingests when it licks it's
paws after an outdoor romp is no less toxic than if it were drunk from
the container. If your lawn is cared for by professionals, be certain
that they know you have a pet.
Many common garden plants are poisonous when pets eat them,
including azaleas, oleander, rhododendrons, daffodils and even
buttercups. Be sure to look into all aspects of a plant before
planting them in your garden.
Antifreeze, battery acid and paint remover are three common and
particularly poisonous substances that seem to smell appetizing to
pets. Store all three in tight containers out of your pet's reach and
be sure to do a thorough cleanup after you finish working with any of
them. Antifreeze puddles on driveways or in garages cause the deaths
of numerous pets annually.
Keep tackle boxes closed and latched. Bright lures, hooks and
fishing line can attract cats as well as fish.
Don't allow pet birds in the kitchen. Heat, open containers of
hot water (on the stove or sink) and smoke can all be health threats.
Cover all glass, especially mirrors, if your bird is permitted
outside it's cage. Birds sometimes assume windows and mirrors are open
spaces and fly into them.
Don't spray fishbowls or aquariums, even on the outside, with
glass cleaner that contains ammonium. Vapors can rise and settle back
into the bowl or tank, poisoning your fish. Instead, spray the clean
on a cloth well away from the water, and then wipe the glass clean.
Don't put tap water directly into your aquarium or fishbowl. The
chlorine in it can be deadly to fish. Purchase dechlorinating pellets
or allow water to sit overnight before adding it to your fish tank.
Also, beware of water that's artificially softened. Its salt content
may be exceptionally high.
Take care when using a household spray or insecticide. Remove
birds from the room and cover your aquarium with plastic or some other
nonpermeable material until all the spray has settled.
you have a litter of puppies, place the same number of cloth strips as you
have puppies in the bed with their mother. Then send a cloth strip with
each puppy to it's new home. The puppy will feel more secure with the
scent of it's mother nearby.
To give your dog a fresh smell and a cleaner coat, try sprinkling it with
baby powder. Rub the powder into the pet's coat, wait a few minutes and
brush it out. |
Doggy Treats
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup multigrain oatmeal or quick cooking oats, uncooked
1/4 cup honey-crunch wheat germ
1/4 cup chunky or smooth peanut butter
1/4 cup salad oil
1/4 cup honey
1 tsp baking powder
About three hours before serving, in a large mixer bowl at low
speed, mix 1 cup flour with remaining ingredients and 1/2 cup water
until well blended. With spoon, stir in remaining 1/2 cup flour. Preheat
oven to 350 degrees. With floured hands, on well-floured surface, knead
dough until dough holds together. Roll dough 1/4 inch thick. With a
5" by 2 1/2" bone shaped cookie cutter (or any cookie cutter
for that matter) cut out as many bones as possible. Reroll scraps and
cut as above. Repeat with remaining dough. Bake on large ungreased
cookie sheet for 20 minutes; turn oven off. Let cookie sheet remain in
oven 1 hour. Remove bone from cookie sheet to wire rack When cool, store
in airtight container or freeze if not using right away. Makes about 20
dog bones. |
Protecting Pets
from Poison
There are some of those that are under the impression that animals
know instinctively to avoid poisons. This is false. They don't, no more
than a small child. It is up to us to ensure their safety.
Plants: Many common plants, including houseplants, can be deadly.
For example, Philodendron is extremely dangerous to cats. Crocus,
daffodil and hyacinth bulbs are poisonous as are tomato plants and the
berries of mistletoe.
Some of the symptoms of poisoning are:
Cats will immediately lose interest in their food
Both cats and dogs may become lethargic
They may drool an unnatural amount
Have trouble walking
Ultimately they will go into convulsions
Depression, unaccountable excitability, diarrhea and shock are
also symptoms.
You can tell an animal is going into shock by pressing the
animal's gum with your finger. The pink will turn grayish white; when
more than a coup of seconds pass before normal color returns, it usually
means the onset of shock. An animal in shock will have a weak, rapid
pulse and dilated pupils. Under these conditions, do not give anything
by mouth. Start artificial respiration if necessary, keep the victim
warm and rush him to the veterinarian. Below is a list of common poisons and the first-aid steps to take
until professional help is available. Let's hope you never need to
use it.
Corrosive acid: Do no induce vomiting. Give milk or water to
dilute poison, even if you must force it on the pet. Give orally
baking soda, milk of magnesia or some other mild alkaline
substance. Finish the treatment by getting as much edible oil
(salad oil, olive oil) and/or egg white into the animal as you
can. (at least one ounce of oil per 20 pounds of body weight).
Corrosive Alkali: Do not induce vomiting. Give water or milk to
dilute poison. Give a mild acid--Vinegar, lemon, lime or even orange
juice. As above, finish the treatment with edible oil or egg whites.
Fungicides, herbicides, Insecticides, Most Household Cleaning
Agents, Medicines, Lead, Moth balls, Rodenticides, Turpentine,
Poisonous Plants and when in doubt as long as you're sure it wasn't
a petroleum product, or an acid or an alkali of corrosive
strength: Dilute with milk or water. Induce vomiting with hydrogen
peroxide, ipecac syrup or table salt (use salt for adult animals
only). Read the labels, if available and use the recommended
Holiday Safety for
Curious pets are inclined to eat everything in sight-even if it's
as indigestible as a tree ornament. Your pet could get sick or die from
Sharp objects: Toothpicks, ornament hooks and bottle caps are
just as harmful as chicken bones. And when the toothpick is meatball
flavored or hook is attached to a candy cane, it's hard for your pet
to resist.
Large objects: Corks, small toys, tree decorations and fruit
pits may be small enough for your pet to swallow, but too big to
Stringy objects: The normal twisting of the gut causes long,
thin objects to stuck in an animal's intestine. In addition to such
year-round hazards as foil, plastic wrap and dental floss, watch out
for tinsel, ribbon, yarn and string used for popcorn or cranberry
garlands. A mere 4 inches can be life threatening to your pet.
Food and Plant hazards: Poinsettia and Jerusalem cherry plants
are poisonous to animals. And chocolate Santas can dehydrate your
dog and make him vomit. Hook edible ornaments high on your tree and
skip the toothpicks (USE PRETZEL STICKS INSTEAD) on the hors
d'oeuvres unless you're sure you can keep Rover out of harm's way.
If your pet does eat one of the above, call your vet immediately.
Rinse alcohol from drink glasses. If ingested, alcohol can make
dogs, cats and birds violently ill.
Keep birds away from avocados; the coating on the pit is toxic
to some species.
Keep chocolate away from dogs and birds. Even a small amount
can be toxic.
Secure garage bags tightly to keep leftover bones, meat and
roasting twine out of reach.
Traveling with Pets
If you want to take your pet on a car trip, first take it for
short rides; increase the time on each subsequent trip so it gets
used to the car.
If your pet is traveling in a carrier, put some of its favorite
toys inside to make it feel more secure. Or line the traveling
container with an old sweater of yours-- the familiar smell will
comfort the animal.
Don't feed your pet for six hours before a car trip. If it has a
tendency to car sickness, try to avoid giving even water for two
hours before you leave home.
When you travel with you pet in a car, bring along a plastic freezer
container of frozen water. As you travel, the water will thaw and
your pet will have a fresh, cool drink ready.
If possible, carry water from home for your pet. The different
mineral content of water in a new location could give it diarrhea.
When traveling with a dog, make sure it's on a leash before you
get out of the care at your destination. Otherwise, it may get
overexcited and jump out of the car and, possibly, get hit by
another vehicle.
If you're traveling with a cat, keep the carrier firmly closed
and don't release the cat until you get indoors. If the cat panics
and jumps out of the car in a strange place, you'll have little
chance of finding it again.
Before traveling with a pet, let the animal get used to the pet
carrier. Leave the carrier out where the animal can smell it,
explore it and sleep in it.

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